The survival of the Quebec Food Safety Association is linked to the involvement of some Université Laval professors. The Institute of nutrition and functional foods (INAF) at Université Laval supports the association’s mission by taking in charge part of the coordinator’s salary. The AQIA’s board is composed of members from industry and the Quebec Ministry of Agriculture and Food. The board ensures the AQIA operations and the organization of activities. AQIA funds derive exclusively from memberships, registration fees and business partnerships in activities.


Anny LainessePresident


Anne-Marie MasellaOutgoing president


Pierre-André RoyVice-president

Groupe Sani Marc

Delphine SèneSecretary


Marie-Hélène DufresneTresurer


Khaled AbdallahDirector of the development committee

Ph.D. in Food Sciences and Microbiology, INAF, Université Laval

Julie JeanHonorary member

INAF, FSAA - Université Laval

Sophie CanobioMember


Christophe CordellaMember

INAF, FSAA-Université Laval

Sylvie NadaiMember

Mérieux NutriSciences North America

Cyril RobletMember

Laboratoire Innodal

Marie-Pascale GagnéAQIA coordinator

INAF - Université Laval

Audrey TremblayAdministration and communications

INAF-Université Laval